Friday, August 23, 2013

Mom Wrap-Up and Disco Hitler

I am knackered. Very excited for today's adventure, but I did a lot at Ma's. And rightly so.

The last day involved more shifting and making certain much of what we shifted was picked up by the charity that my Ma called. It was. By one driver. In the rain. But it got done. I did a little more heavy lifting and a lot of clean up.

Mom's Lemon Meringue ended up soupy, but delicious. Thanks for giving it a go! : D

In addition to all the willing work, we had lots of good talks, good food and good laughs. I'm so thankful to have been able to see (almost) all of my immediate family this summer. And I look forward to seeing more of you in the near future. Extended (close friends) and immediate (Hello Janenne and all!). I am a fortunate fat friar. Thanks to all who made this possible!

After they dropped me off at the Crystal Lake Metra (after too short of a trip!) I just had to get a pic of one of the local businesses. I think it's obvious why.

The last local business of that ilk I encountered was Matt's Big Breakfast in Phoenix (which didn't live up to the hype). I'll have to sink some suds at Matt's one of these days. Looks like my kind of place.

The train ride home was riddled with outside-voiced suburbanites on a Friday and I kept my head down and tried not to hear their nasal hell over my earphones, but the trip was over soon enough. I did realize this morning I left my last volume of Y: The Last Man on the damned train. *shakes fist* What's worse is it had my favorite bookmark in it. It read: "George was a good little monkey and always very curious." *tear*

The walk back to the G's was riddled with my addle-brainedness and it took significantly longer than it should to get back, but I did. A little sweaty, but happy to land . . .

I got a little alone time and drank some beers. When T & S got home we played musics, watched youtubes and they made delicous (very spicy!) dinner. Oh yeah!

Tony got a second wind and agreed to venture out to a Logan Square Karaoke bar he'd been telling me about. Alice's Lounge is a trip. The host has bootsy glasses, guitar necks, drum sticks and fake keys. And he will sing back up for you, whether you like it or not.

Tony sang Ignition (Remix), yeah he did!

We had a super good time and very early in the evening I fixated on a guy who goes by Reno, but I dubbed Disco Hitler. Other people thought he was a Mario. This morning he looks more Magnum P.I. I wish I had gotten a better dead on shot front shot, but I was intent on being surreptitious. So here's the series. Judge for yourselves.

I should mention, he had a bad night. Some girl popped him in the jaw and the cops showed up. I hope my stalking didn't bring on bad luck, but DISCO HITLER Ladles and Jellyspoons. Alice's is worth the trip. uber-hipster, but fun. Check it out.

In other news, I'll be muchly in Naperville and environs today, around Winnemac most of Saturday and probably Uptown on Sunday. Still got flexibility, but let me know when/if you wanna join or derail me!


Funding:                111.75%
Days in Chicago:   9    
Days Away:          103        
Today is sponsored by Joey Bates and Ben Hameen Moprhis

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