Sunday, June 30, 2013

If we shadows have offended . . .

It's hard to believe this is the last MIDSUMMER performance.  And June is over today as well!  Tempus Fugit.

Another phone update, so yesterday was: lines, show, FAUSTUS exploration, sore shoulder, full brain, mesmerized suspicious mind, Gilly's, Whizbang, Century, story times.

Today will be live streamed at:

1p EST, tune in a few minutes early to get past the ads.

No guarantee of quality, but a chance to see what many of you helped make happen!

Enjoy . . .


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         49
Today is sponsored by Chris Rainey

Saturday, June 29, 2013

No Internet Quick Review via Moto

Yesterday was lines, lines with Cameron, lines, errands, biz calls, lines, irritation, Marion's with Dad's, show (only 2 left!  Wow!), cupcakes from birthday lady at said show (see below), more biz calls, Pictionary Man, prep, music swapping, dance party at the awesome club (see below), trailer sleep . . . and scene.

Today will be another humdinger.  Lines, show, rehearsal, Whizbang.  Hope to see some of you along the way!


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         48
Today is sponsored by Meredith Molinari & Aaron Clute

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Transformative Power of Theatre

That was the mantra I repeated to myself after a cowardly ambush that I can only assume was planned to sabotage my work.  I wish I could say I was being dramatic, but all I will say is your Foo is weak.  As are you.

Enough of that.

I spent the day (again) with my lines, my lines, my lines and I made a pretty fucking great avocado chicken salad.  Isn't it purdy?  I'll make it again with anyone interested along the way and I'm definitely making a bunch when I get back to St. God's Dr. DeLoache!

I was a bit bitchy when I got to the DAI I felt good about working up to about page 18 in FAUSTUS.  I'm hoping to finish as much of the rest as I can tomorrow, though I do have extra work I need to jump on now.  Selah.

After the show which was a pretty pretty good, I got to go out to the Spaghetti Warehouse with the Divine Sara Mackie (Smith) Agee and her lovely husband Michael who I haven't seen in far too long.  We were also joined by Brian McKnight and young Tyler.  It was a nice surprise to see them in the audience and they gave me a ride home so I had a chance to kvetch with my pops.

I gots to get to work now, but remember you only have 3 more days to catch Midsummer and we'd sure love to see you!

The Saturday matinee (1pm!) has a lot of open space.  Check out the Tweet Seats and get in for $10!  Plus kids like this show a lot.  So if that has an impact on your viewing schedule, *this* is the show you want them to see!

Back to brain cramming!  : D


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         47
Today is sponsored by Meredith Molinari & Aaron Clute and Desiree Hattery

Thursday, June 27, 2013

To the great Variety of Readers

Hello everyone.

I must apologize for the briefness with which my blogs will be plagued the next several days.  I will be a little bit MIA as far as the internet is concerned.

Why, you may ask?  Because I am woefully behind on my FAUSTUS work and we saw clearly how quickly the turn-around will be after last night's rehearsal.  I am excited and I want to do well for you, so accept my apologies for being slightly less entertaining in the near future.

That said, man what a great day yesterday!

We had a solid performance of MIDSUMMER with a good array of dear people watching, perfect weather and then lunched at Uno's with most of the cast.  Bummed that we have to say goodbye to 3 of our number in 4 short days.  : (  But we'll dwell on that later.

After lunch Cameron and I looked at our lines.  He is doing great!  No surprise there.  I'm up to my neck in it.  Two hours later, with a brimming brain, we hit the Zoot studio and saw just how amazingly abstract our puppets will be for FAUSTUS and added another small scene that really rounds out the cutting.  I'm *very* excited about this project.

At 8p, our new cast member for the TEMPEST (JJ) showed up and we had a chance to read-through the play.  I love that piece.  There are many tangles to be solved, but I am confident that we will.  It will be a nice capper to the summer.

After touching on all three plays, I was spent.  I got home and stayed up late with my folks as they finished watching the very uplifting film, The Impossible, and then I sacked out like a dead-wet bag of potatoes.

So there you have it.


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         45
Today is sponsored by Shawn Philip Michael DeLoache

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Petty Crimes

Tom and I spent a very productive day working on his house in Cincy.  (If anyone is looking for a place to rent in the fall, please let me know.)  We executed some small crimes and misdemeanors (ha ha) and then we worked until 2pm.

My favorite sign read:  "Mount Healthy - A Refuge from the Cholera Epidemic of 1850."  Is that why it's called Mt. Healthy? 

We had lunch at his house in Dayton and then went to Sinclair to work on enrolling Tom for classes leading to his Paramedic coursework next year.  

When leaving a young lady asked us for a ride up the street to the Western Union as her car had been broken into and she was trying to get a new license from the DMV but didn't have money as her purse was stolen.  We obliged to drop her a few blocks away as she was trying to get the necessary cash before the agency closed. 

We got back to the house and I helped Tom work on his FAFSA before I went to the movies with my dads.  


I have to say it was everything I've come to expect from Zack Snyder.  Purple.  Derivative.  Bad (sometmes nearly unbelievable) Dialogue.  (Well Nolan did help write it).  Terrible Music.  (Surprsingly so from Zimmer). Mis-casting galore (though admittedly from a much higher rent pool and many thespians whose work I normally like; always good to see Chicago represented so well).  Decent enough special effects in (nearly) completely pointless action sequences.  

Boy Howdy what a piece of shit.  Cavill did what he could with what he was given, as did Shannon (who I generally *really* like BTW) and the rest tried their damndest, but you can't put lipstick on a pig.   

To be fair I've always found Superman to be the biggest yawner of all superheroes.  Invincible Do-gooder.  Please.  The only relatively positive think I can say is at least it didn't suck as much ass as The "Amazing" Spiderman.

Our real night was far more exciting after when Ray realized he'd left his belongings in the movie theater and we had to race back to find them.  The manager had them and it didn't appear anything was missing.  So good on 'em.  But *that* incident was a million times more interesting than the movie we just wasted nearly three hours of our lives on. 

I'm very excited to have both of my dads in the audience today for MIDSUMMER (only 5 performances left!) before we touch both FAUSTUS and TEMPEST tonight.  Rare day.  All three pieces of the Summer Series conjoined in one long pitch of Elizabethan fun.


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         45
Today is sponsored by Jonathan Zeederberg

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dark Day!

It was so nice to have a day completely off.

Should I have been cramming more lines?  Probably.

But what I did instead was come back from Dayton and accompany my folks to Costco in Warren County.  We shopped a bit.  I got me some fancy nuts.  (True story).

Then we got the pussy stoned.

                                                                                           Catnipped Clyde

And then I watched like four hours of Batman and we had dinner at the table like a real family.  It was nice!

In the evening I got it together to catch up on some personal business.

Overall it was a relaxing day!  Hope yours was as well!

Oh and Hap-hap-haPPY Birthday to my little sis!  Hope it's a good'un young'un!


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         44
Today is sponsored by Jonathan Zeederberg and Cate Akens

Monday, June 24, 2013


The show was a bit sloppy today, but the folks who attended (including my brother Tom and his lady Stacey) reported having a nice time.  I'm so glad.

I was then treated to lunch with them after the performance at Blind Bob's.  Tom and I got cat-called by three biker MILFs sitting outside the Hole in the Wall.  One of them had a megaphone when we walked back to the car.  Yep.  I didn't end up riding The bike back which makes me very lazy, but so be it.

I spent the remainder of the afternoon working on my lines, my lines, my lines, my lines and doing some research.

This devil isn't manufactured by Zoot, but it does have a nice feel.  And it's always encouraging when surroundings are conducive to working.

So "Settle thy studies Faustus, and begin to sound the depth of that thou wilt profess . . ."


The storm wasn't as wild as I'd hoped but I did take a nap before meeting up with Brian and several other folks for a quick trip to MJs.

While perhaps not the most flattering pic for everyone (sorry Tyler) I feel it sums up the evening.  : D

Now I'm waiting for my pop to pick me up so I can diagnose what's wrong with the Chromebook when I get back to Fairborn.  Oy!


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         44
Today is sponsored by Dawn "Sam" Alden and Azy Kashani
PS   False alarm on the CB as I had hoped. Perhaps a Network problem at the Gunn's?  All seems to be well now. Touch wood. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Performance Interuptus!

Oh no!

We got rained out today!  Hopefully that won't happen often.  It felt a little strange to walk away from the show unfinished, but we held for 20 minutes and it didn't let up.  Of course the day was beautiful after that, but what're ya gonna do?

Brian and I got there early to futz with the sound and "fixed" it.  We'll see how that holds up.

Then we went to Columbus and met up with our good friend Tim Lessner, proprietor of the Tip Top Kitchen.  It's a really great place and if you are ever in the short north, amble over to Gay street and have something to eat.  You won't be disappointed.

Unfortunately my phone was charging so I didn't get a pic, but we hope to see Mr. Lessner soon.  He looks so distinguished!

Then it was nap and cram lines into head.  Not much else to report.

But I do want to reiterate for my friends with more modest means and the bargain shoppers among you that Tweet Seats are available for matinee on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.  Those are 1pm shows and if you tweet or facebook the event you can get seats for 1/2 price!  Only $10!

Click that link to find out more because I'd love to see you all smiling in this beautiful and intimate space!  : D


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         42
Today is sponsored by Loyana Maria Garcia Vodicka and Ryan Mulkay

Saturday, June 22, 2013



What a great show!

Natural applause and standing O's!

Thank you!

Maybe this is why!

All audiences should have *at least* 5 bottles of wine. We're *way* funnier then!  : D

                                                                             Zoom in *at least* 6 bottles . . .

Then off to Timothy's with lots of fun . . .

Like this (well tiis was at Tank's but WTH?)

Hope everyone's in fighting shape today.  I'm questionable. *sheepish grin*


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         41
Today is sponsored by Loyana Maria Garcia Vodicka

Friday, June 21, 2013


Happy Summer Solstice!  It's the longest day of the year!  Get your licks in!

Our first evening performance last night was well-conceived, well-run and well-received.  I think it went really, well, WELL!  : D

I biked from the west side to the DAI and only had to give up on one hill on the way back when my thighs went on strike.  I'm a bit concerned about the tires as there are many bumps and lots of detritus along the way, but it should all work out.

Victoria sorted out the drape situation (on Tristan's instructions) and we figured out how all the props, puppets, chairs and &tc.  live in our tiny storage space.  See?

Cozy, huh?  Good show on that.

Then I vegged in prep for major FAUSTUS work before Friday's evening performance.  We'll see how that turns out if I don't have to clean up dog crap the entire time.  Pippa!  *shakes fist*

Who will I see tonight?

: )


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         40
Today is sponsored by Loyana Maria Garcia Vodicka

Thursday, June 20, 2013


You may have noticed I keep mentioning Metalocalypse.  Yep.  I'm late to the party, but I thought that this particular snippet was apropos.  *chortle*  Nathan Explosion reads Shakespeare.

Opening wasn't quite explosive but it did go well with a small warm crowd (consisting of many Avenue Q cast members - thanks for the support!).  The sun was bright and hot and I definitely need to remember to sunscreen the back of my neck and my face for when the mask comes off during matinees.

Other than that, it was great to hear where some laughs may fall and to figure out how to play to the audience.  I look forward to the evening version tonight.

Some images from yesterday . . .

                                                                                   Mathys Herbert in EAT ME
                                                                                        Brian McKnight as the 
                                                                                  Proud Papa in SEERSUCKER
                                                        Andrew Quiett in TOO MANY DRAPES: A Backstage Story

After a post-show nosh at Milano's with the cast, I got my orders from Mr. Nealeigh as I will sit his house and pack this weekend and then I spent the evening working on some personal projects before capping the night with Vagina Dentata.  Yep.

Who do we see tonight?  Hmmmmm?


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         39
Today is sponsored by Carly McWilliams and Carrie Thurston

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Opening Day!

No this has nothing to do with baseball (thank the f#@! c%!$*)!!!

But we do indeed open the Zoot Summer Series with Midsummer today at 1pm.  Crazy right?

I spent most of yesterday in the company of my brother Tom, helping him out with some stuff, including this work of art!

                                                                                                 The Leaning 
                                                                                               Tower of Pizza 
                                                                                               Cincinnati, OH 2013

Another Harding Brothers Masterpiece . . . don't ask.

No really, don't!

After we finished that project Tom and I had meat salads and chilled.  Our programming included:
Why S#!+ So Crazy?, Todd and the Book of Pure Evil and Metalocalypse (episode 15).  Darling Tommy liked at least two of those things.

Then Tom drove me to the DAI where I had a rather discombobulated run, but I think we've fixed the new mask audibility issues and we're all really looking forward to having people join us in the cloister.

When are you attending?

Just a reminder that there are Tweet seats for Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday matinees at 1pm.  You can find out more about this limited number of $10 tickets and indeed all pricing tiers here.

Oh and in case you'd like some other shots of the dress rehearsals, have a look here.

Even more press available here.

Finally, I'm still experimenting with the live streaming possibility, so if you wanna help, I'll be streaming from here this Friday at 3pm EST (if all goes well).  Stay tuned.  : D


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         38
Today is sponsored by Jenny Korn

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Latest

New Press!

Lots of interesting things to learn.

After a busy day of running around with my folks and Mr. Chuck Larkowski, I made it to rehearsal and we ran the show twice.  It's already sweaty and it's not even hot yet.  We're preparing.

I have to say, in the second run I think Bottom finally showed up completely.  I'm glad he did.  I was starting to wonder what I was going to do if he didn't.  Character creation is always a crap shoot.  : )

I thought today I'd show you some backstage shots to get you in the mood for opening on Wednesday.


Here are actors watching in the wings and putting puppets and props on stands &tc. . . .

This is our lovely Queen Victoria (actually our SM, but you get the idea) calling the show and running sound.

And finally here are some of the puppet casualties from tonight's run - mostly fairy hands in this case.  Poor Tristan.  So much to do.  : /

                                                                                   This clock has no big hand. 

Then I decided to relax.  Went into rehearsal an hour early, so I got home early too.  Nice party.  Very nice.

Looks like I'll be house and dog sitting this weekend so I hope to catch up on all the line-learning I've missed, though I do think I'm off-book for scene 1.  1/15th of the way there!  Hey.  It's a start.


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         37
Today is sponsored by Ally Wetz

Monday, June 17, 2013

Tech # 1

I had the opportunity to brunch with my Dads and my brother and his fiance before heading to our first Tech at the DAI.

We finished spacing the play, figured out our set up and tear down as well as teching through the sound Qs.  We also ran the show once.

Brian is asking for an ambitious chance to run through the show twice over the next couple of days.  It should be possible, but we'll see how things play out.  The chance of rain is forecast as only 20% for Monday and Tuesday, but this is the Midwest and weather can change quicker than public opinion.

We shall see.

When I got home I checked out a nifty little film I can't believe I missed, Burke & Hare.  If you have my sensibilities you might just enjoy it.

I then finally spent some real time on FAUSTUS before being kidnapped by the Smile Brigade led by Ally and we spent a few happy hours at Chapter II.  Aren't we adorable?

Thanks to Ally, Risa, Austin, Becca, Chaney and Shannon for a late-night good time in Fairborn!

Hope to see you all again soon!

Oh and a little teaser.  Ms. Howard-Welch as Snug the Joiner.


Funding:                109.6%
Days in Ohio:         36
Today is sponsored by Shannon Dedman and Brother James Czar

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Daddy Pride!

Well first off, Happy Dads Day to all you Dads!

I just woke up from a really bizarre dream where my pops and I were trying to find a seat in the front row of Kevin Bacon's new theatre for some adaptation of a television show and we couldn't find one of our coupons to prove we had reservations even though we had our tickets.  It went on and on and on.  Kinda wore me out.

Anyone care to interpret that?

I had a slow start yesterday and then my very good and long-time friend Fayrene dropped by to pick me up and we went to Yellow Springs' 2nd Annual Pride Festival.

We used to work together at the Mall at Fairfield Commons in the pre-aughts.  She is a painter and a troublemaker and one of my dearest confidantes!

I was particularly interested in the Flaggots, the Dayton Gay Men's Chorus and the Rubi Girls.  Not to mention the opportunity to see as many of my old YS friends as I could!  : )

The Flaggots were pretty fabulous and I understand you can catch them on America's Got Talent this year if you are so inclined.  Really good stuff.

The Dayton Gay Men's Chorus had some obstacles to overcome in the outdoor space and the sound ops left a *lot* to be desired, but I was glad to see them and I'm sure there will be an improvement next year.  I was told that this year was an improvement of the first so one expects growth.

I also had a little wistful moment when I used the facilities at the Bryan Center.  I'd been through in the past few years but seeing that empty auditorium and the quiet little stage on my own reminded me that I had some of my first plays produced there.  *tear*  Isn't it a darling little space?


Most of the day was spent hallooing and catching up with Fayrene who I hadn't seen far too long.

I had a great meat pie from a food truck.  We spent a couple of minutes at the Gulch before going into that ill-run peesa-shit eyesore called Peach's.  Have I mentioned how much I hate that bar?

Despite my personal irritation with the rat-bastard that owns it, it is so ill-run and I'm sure they lost about $600 in sales due to the fact they simply don't know how to run a bar.  (My apologies to my friends who work there.  I still like you.  I just think it's a top-down problem.)

And those of us who got there early couldn't really see the show due to the fire-hazard violations and general jackassery.  When you're the only game in town it's easy for mediocrity to be your catch-phrase.  But enough of that.

The Rubi Girls were great!  They've raised more than $1M dollars for HIV in the 29 years they've been performing and they are funny and beautiful!

I understand the Head Idiot in Charge of that *ahem* venue was very good to them and I'm glad to hear that. And the Rubis are *fun*!

Here's a pic of their most requested number. Titanic.

That's about the best view I had all night.  Fayrene and I lasted about half the set and had to retreat into the night air.  But if you get a chance to see the these faboo ladies, I'd recommend it.  Home Grown Dayton Fun.  (The wisdom of controlling the quality of an entire troupe of drag performers cannot be overlooked.)

And when drag queens abound so do hijinks. Besides the condom rain and good/bad puns, this is my favorite remnant from last night.

If only . . .

Finally, I also ran into several unexpected folks before, during and after the event.  People from all over my Dayton past, most notably Sommer on her 7th 29th Birthday! Get it girl!

It was the first day I'd had a chance to spend in town and it always amuses me that when I spend time in YS half the people, the ones who recognize me anyway, don't ask if I'm home for a visit, they just kind of assume everyone comes back, and I think they think I am there to stay or that I never left.  I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, but to quote the Rubi Girls Emcee: "Yellow Springs is a confusing place."

I still call it my hometown.

I look forward to catching up with more of you weirdos over the summer.  Or not.

And knowing the Springs, it's most likely not.



Funding:                108.9%
Days in Ohio:         35
Today is sponsored by Jack Harding & Ray Lodwig

Saturday, June 15, 2013

You like me! Your *really* like me!

Over 6000 views today.

That does my heart good.

Glad to know you're all finding something relatable (or at least amusing) in these posts.

I got up and met Cameron and Mr. Sticka at the DAI for our press call.  We each had puppets that neither of us use in the show, (Oberon's hand fell off - sorry Tristan!) and I'm told these spots will air on Monday morning if anyone is interested.  I'll seek 'em out and post 'em if I find them.

You'll see how beautiful the Cloister is and how cool a couple of the puppets are.  Other than that I would guess the content will be a bit random.  ; )

Afterwards Cam and I ran a buncha cruncha errands (BOH-ring!) and had lunch at Adobe Gila's at the Greene.  We ended up eschewing our planned work session in favor of more leisurely pursuits.  Never do today what you can put off.

After some home time with my poor WSP convalescing my pops took me to Giovanni's in downtown Fairtucky.  The pizza was a solid 8. Good stuff.  Everything else: staff, clientele, service, atmosphere I'd have to give a 2 if I'm being generous.  It was the first all-around experience I've had since coming home that reminded me why I left and could never permanently return.

So if you wanna try that spot out, order carry-out!

And thanks to Tara Lail, I got to see Avenue Q at the Human Race.  I mostly really liked it.  Great set.  Fun story.  Excellent execution by the cast.  Mostly I'm over musicals, but I had a nice time.  And I got a couple minutes to catch up with Sean Michael Flowers, Katie Pees and Joe Deer.  I hope to see them all for more in depth confabs sometime this summer.

After the show I walked from the loft to McKnight's and was taken by how beautiful the DAI and the river really are at night.  Don'tcha think?

And it was a mostly pleasant walk, nodding to other dudes prowling around the area, but just as I was nearing Brian's place on River Terrace I heard a voice calling, "Chris! Chris!"

I assumed it was for the guy that had just crossed the street, so I just kept walking.

Moments later a small white sedan pulled up beside me and a young woman hollered, "You got a girl?!"

I responded, "No thanks.  I'm good."

She immediately retorted, "Why?  'Cause I'm black?"

I waved them on and continued to walk.

The driver guffawed, "Nah girl!" and they sped up Salem.

I just shook my head and finished my walk.

Does that approach really work for anyone?

Aw Dayton!

Brian and I talked a little philosophically (yes) and watched an episode of QI (hooked) before he gave me a lift back to Stillborn.

It was a random day, but a nice one.

And, in addition to the 6k views, I got a another surprise follow-up donation. It's a pretty nice feeling.

And now my travel home at the end of the summer is also underwritten!  Thanks Vodicka!


Funding:                108.9%
Days in Ohio:         34
Today is sponsored by Laura Johnson and Kristina Johnson (no relation)

Friday, June 14, 2013

T - 5 and counting . . .

We'll be open *so* soon!

Great day in the space.

Wasn't sure we'd get it after the rain we'd had.

But we loaded the puppets up and took them to the DAI:

And we moved through about 1/2 of the show before retiring to the Oregon Express and hanging out and patting ourselves on our collective backs (not too much)!

The show looks great!

Early call for FOX 45 this a.m. so we could only hang out so much.

Can't wait for Sunday and a full run in the space.

So soon until we open!

*Very* exciting.

Great play!  Great cast!  Great crew!  Great design team!  Great company!



Funding:                106%
Days in Ohio:         33
Today is sponsored by Laura Johnson

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks!

(And, no, that's not a fart joke . . .)

The storms last night were no laughing matter.

It's been a long time since a crack of thunder woke me up from a dead sleep.  And it is still pouring now.  I'm so grateful to get some good storms, especially as thick as the air was last night.  It will certainly offer some release, particularly in the studio where we've been sweating through our clothes every night in our efforts to make the art.

You'll also notice that I said I was in a dead sleep.  Yes friends, I think I'm recovered.  And I'm so happy.

The only negative to the rain is that we were supposed to be on location (i.e. outside) for a spacing rehearsal tonight and if it doesn't get rained out it will certainly be muddy.  I also suspect the press call tomorrow morning might be a wash as well, but we'll have to wait and see how that plays out.

Personally my work in the run last night was more than sub-par and it caught me off guard as I had looked over my material.  Perhaps it put me too much back in my head? We'll see what happens when we get back to another run - perhaps tonight with the inclement weather?

We hit FAUSTUS one more time before leaving it until after we open next week.  I'm very excited about how this one will turn out.  I do need to accomplish a lot before I can get out of the way of the production, so after the excuse of being under the weather, it's really time for me to buckle down.

And so I shall . . .

In addition, for your delectation, here are some jumbled costume pieces from MIDSUMMER:

                                                                                   I may wear *some* of this . . .

and Cameron in a Space Suit, just because.

Oh and one last thing.

If you're on the fence about seeing any of the shows, keep in mind that following the Zoot Facebook Page, Twitter Stream and Website may bring to light some ticket discounts that you might not find otherwise.  There may also be rush (i.e. 1/2 price tickets just before each curtain) if you're willing to roll the dice.

I'll keep ya posted as I find out more about these opportunities!

: D


Funding:                106%
Days in Ohio:         32
Today is sponsored by Laura Johnson

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


For those of you monitoring, I'd say my state of well-being is at a solid B+ today.

That is heartening.

Particularly after discovering what kind of emotionally and diaphragmatic outlay Faustus will require.  We finished blocking the show and, even then, the following walk-through was demanding.  I think it's going to be an interesting piece and after cramming the lines, I'll be the newbie with puppets, so it will be a challenge indeed.

Not to mention that it will be performed in daylight!

After that rehearsal we went to Bad Frog (which is the only Yogurtland-ish establishment in the area) and had an easy night. The mochi left a lot to be desired (might as well have been stale mini-marshmallows) but the yogurt was all right.

We return to Midsummer tonight, which is good as tech starts on Sunday.

I hope to not sleep the day away and maybe we'll get back on more interesting adventures by the end of the week.

Thanks for your patience good readers!


Funding:                106%
Days in Ohio:         31
Today is sponsored by Laura Johnson

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

And then some . . .

Hey everybody.

I hope not to linger on this topic, but it is in the forefront of my thoughts.

Yesterday's intake:

1/8 cup of lemon pudding
Orange Popsicle

then, late at night, after reherasal,

a chicken breast sandwich
and 6 cheese crackers

Yesterday's rest time:

9p to 3p the following day with hourly or bi-hourly waking until noon.

Still feeling hella oogie, but in a different way . . .

I felt pretty good during and after rehearsal (polished MIDSUMMER SCENES and blocked up to about 3/4 of FAUSTUS) but I just wanna go back to sleep today.

On another note:

It's hard to believe that I've been back in Ohio for 30 days, isn't it?  I'm a 1/3 of the way through the summer and still very grateful to you all for your help.  In fact, a late pledge came through yesterday leaving only five days in late summer unsponsored.  Pretty amazing, huh?

Hope to chat with you all much more hearty and hale tomorrow!


Funding:                106%
Days in Ohio:         30
Today is sponsored by Laura Johnson

Monday, June 10, 2013


More like 1.5 or 1.1 or 1@2.

Not feeling much better, but that's all I'd like to say about that at present.

Got through a run and a blocking rehearsal yesterday and hope to be stable enough for some solid work to be accomplished tonight.  If I only I could sleep longer than two hour blocks . . .

Wish me luck.

Hopefully this will be more edifying tomorrow.  But as the kids say: "That's what's up."


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         29
Today is sponsored by Mike Harding and David Groves

Sunday, June 9, 2013


YesterDAY was as wonderful as last night was not.

I got the chance to Hang Out with the lovely and magical Beth Popelka and Mr. McKnight.  Beth and I, though we've kept in touch, haven't physically seen each other for ten years.  We strolled down memory lane together and it was nearly midnight before we parted company.  And she is going to have a look at the run today.

                                             Like-It, Love-It and I'm Gotta-Have-It (Off Camera)
Good stuff!

Unfortunately, I think I got more than a touch of something my pop was battling and I spent all night visiting the facilities as-it-were.  I didn't sleep much and whenever I did manage to get there my body woke me up with cramps that signaled I would now spend more time peeing through my butt.  I only erped once, and my brain isn't too vague though my body feels real oogie, so I guess overall that's good.

I'm just hoping to get through rehearsal without incident (and dreading the two times Thisbe flops onto my belly.  Oy!)  I expect to try to sleep a lot when I make it home later this evening.

Wish me luck.

And also please join me in wishing Many Happy Returns to my eldest brother, Mr. Mike Harding!

Hope it's a good one sir!

: )


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         28
Today is sponsored by Mike Harding

Saturday, June 8, 2013

3 Shots

I'm still a little Braaains Hungover, so no links.  Deal with it.

I'll just say I had a great time shambling with Alice, Thomas, Charlotte (Clan: Bartlett-Nealeigh), Ken the King, Cam, Dough, Kelsey, Pierre and all the folks we ran into down at the Zombie Walk.

I've also found you can cause wounds with Caro syrup.  New torture technique perhaps?

                                                                                 Burst blister from walking in a 
                                                                                   Sugar Blood Soaked Sandal.  

                                                                                     Instant Track Marks; cover 
                                                                               inside of elbow with Sugar Blood 
                                                                                 and continue to work the joint 
                                                                                listening to the "peeling" sound.  
                                                                                   Voila!  Instant Track Marks

Sugar Blood is also a great depilatory agent, especially if you have old cloths stuck to you like bandages and especially in the pubic area.  Eeesh.

And I didn't get a single pick of me in full regalia.  Schmart, eh?

Oh and I promised 3 show shots, so here's this:

Happy Saturday!


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         27
Today is sponsored by David Mickler

Friday, June 7, 2013

Delicious Phlebotomy

Yesterday was something of a blur and I woke with red stains all over my hands.

There was a time in my life when this might have worried me, but as I clawed my way to consciousness (after being roused by the American Pride Bark Blower) I recalled the hazy events of the day before.

Not much.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

I fixed a drain and walked in the rain and frolicked with some faeries and made a deal with the devil and rode with a Firebird and a Holocaust Baby.

All in a days work.

But after that, young Blankenship and I made a supply foray under the sanguine sign reading only:  Meijer; it was late in the evening and we found the necessary ingredients for our alchemy with alacrity.

Corn Syrup.  Food Coloring.  Dish Show.  Red # 40.  Chocolate Syrup.  Fold-over Sandwich Bags.

A large fellow named Doug and a vigorous amount of shaking in a place the denizens call the Shindig were the last pieces to our puzzle.

We finished our work fairly early and I was whisked back to my casket just as the young ones came to sniff our progress.  I hope D & C were able to protect their stores as we will need them tonight in the Oregon District as we shamble . . .

May your Friday bring you as much frivolity.  And staining . . .


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         26
Today is sponsored by THE Joe Moran and Tamara Uribarri