Friday, May 31, 2013

Better Living Through Science

Good Day Good Citizens!

And I don't mean the band!  Great folks though they are!  I mean you!  Yes you!

I did a lot of automating today. And I don't mean Dan style.  I mean the labor saving way!

I'll admit to staying in today and enjoying the cooled air before heading to the armpit I knew would be broiling in the Zoot Studio. And I don't mean the sexy kind.  I mean the sweaty kind.

Both Michael Sticka, Executive Producer of Zoot Theatre and Michael Lippert, Director of Elementary Programs at Muse Machine and great Dayton actor, were kind enough to sit through the swelter and watch a run.  It was nice to have some other heads in the room.  And hopefully we'll get some more fans or something so we can work faster than sunstroked slugs.  That may be wishful thinking, but we'll see . . .

Following the run, Brian gave notes outside, which had to be 15 degrees cooler and then we got a little summertime tailgating in, including almost hitting a Dayton Police cruiser with a frisbee, while the adults (Brian, Tristan Cupp, Artistic Director of Zoot Theatre, and Victoria Sutton, our SM) talked about how best to spend the rest of the rehearsal.

See how much fun we're having!

                                                                Darren opened his truck to play some "music" by  
                                                                some thing called a Taylor Swift. Ick.  Sometimes 
                                                                        I feel really old. This is one of those times.
                                                                                    Anita and Kelsey look on. 
                                                                        Cameron actually caught this one. 

After our little bit of summer fun, Tristan demonstrated the Zoot style of puppeteering to the cast.  I don't have a puppet in this show, so I interacted where appropriate, but mostly stayed outside in the cool until I was needed (and between you and me had a long phone confab with the SERF! Shhhhh).

                                                           Tristan coaches the lovers as they try out their puppets 
                                                                                            for the first time.

Afterwards, Brian, Mathys, Tristan and I caught a bite at the Dublin Pub and shot the shit.  I had a delicious Grilled Chicken & Portabella Salad.  Try it if you're in the mood.  It'll do ya right.

Looking forward to some downtime this weekend.  How about you?


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         18
Today is sponsored by Malina Moore

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Merry and tragical! tedious and brief! / That is, hot ice and wondrous strange snow.

Hey errrbody!

I had an oxymoronic kind of a day.

It was restful and easy and yet I got a lot done.

The upshot was that my brain was mush, but I spent most of it inside a small trailer at the Nealeigh House.

I have mentioned before that Tommy and Alice are the heart and soul of the Freakshow Deluxe and this is one of the trailers they use on tour.  Tommy apologized for having me in the driveway "like some poor relation," but I found it heavenly.  Particularly on that muggy day because it has an AC unit.

I sat about and recorded all my lines for the upcoming production of Faustus where I will be yammering for at least an hour.  Hope everybody enjoys the sound of my voice.  Sheesh.  And then I reviewed my Midsummer work.

Following that I got to say Happy Birthday to the Green Monster.  That's right!  Grennan turned 8 yesterday.

: D

We all went to Lucky's Taproom in the Oregon District and I met up with Kelsey and Anita who, after we said our goodbyes to my hosteliers, took me to rehearsal at the Zoot Studio space.

We ran Midsummer and swam through the sweat - good training for the daytime shows this summer I should think - and actually began to block Faustus.  I really like the shape it's starting to take.

We were all ready to be wrung out after that I can tell you and I slept very soundly last night.

I will now take the opportunity to profile the last few benefactors I haven't had the chance to brag about!

Alyssa Larson was one of my students at the Chicago College of the Performing Arts at Roosevelt University in Chicago. She moved to L.A. about the same time I did and we have had the chance to link up every now and then, usually at fun events like pub trivia or private karaoke room parties or just running into one another randomly at Central Casting.

Alyssa has always been loyal and a straight-shooter, as well as good fun to be around. I realize writing this that I don't know what professional work she's been doing lately. I'll have to remedy that when I get back to the West Coast.

Cocktails darling?

The last couple I have to lift up (for now anyway) are my aunt and uncle on my dad's husband's side: Lynne and Jack Maxim.

They are some of my favorite people in the entire world.  They live in Maine and we got to visit them many times growing up and we also got to stay in their cottage in Corea.  It was quite a different world from the flat and landlocked area in which we grew up and our cousins Grey and Kidron fell within my siblings' collective age ranges, had the same interest in music (Grey can play *anything* and Kidron sings like a bird).   We had lots of fun together.

Jack, who has since retired, was a Lutheran Minister at St. Andrew's in Ellsworth.  (My folks send me a divine smelling wreath from there every Holiday Season.)  Lynne worked for a yacht-building company named Hinckley.  I don't know if she still does, but I can tell you I got no end of joy wearing that shirt in Indiana, under the suspicious gazes of the wingnuts.

I haven't seen the Maxim's in person for a long while, but all my memories of them (even my deadly discovery of my lobster allergy) are good.

Lynne sent me at one of my graduations (though I cannot recall which) a card with a line-drawing of a leaping fool that reads:

"Those who hear not the music think the dancers mad."

It is framed and on my wall.

Thank you to the Maxims and indeed to all of you who have seen fit to help me on my way this summer.
I hope you continue to enjoy these updates and I hope to have a few more Hang Outs soon!

Hit me up!

: )


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         17
Today is sponsored by Malina Moore

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How happy some o'er other some can be!

Hey all!

We worked the play-within-a-play before our second-to-last run through before we add puppets.  Then we moved on to some Faustus work, so I now needs must cram some of that into me old noggin.  Mucho to do-o!

I was able to sneak a little audio of Mathys Herbert as Lysander, Anita Hill as Hermia and Kelsey Andrae as Helena during a linethru rehearsal.  I thought it might be a nice window into part of the process an actor might go through as s/he prepares for a role.  These are not performances, but rather a peek into the process.


Oh and enjoy this too!

: P


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         16

Today is sponsored by Asiya Jones

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Event of the Summer

Hey y'all!

Had a nice quiet day with the fam.  Stopped by Bob Evans in the morning and chilled in the afternoon til I was scooped up by the lovely Kelsey Andrae and the beautiful Anita Hill to go to the McKnight Holler in Middletown for some fellowship and a line through . . .

It is a lovely outdoor space and here are some pix of the evening . . .

                                                       Shirley's Faeire Garden - See if you can spot the Alphabets!

                                                          Cast, Crew and Director of A Midsummer Night's Dream
                                                                   Zoot Summer Series, 2013 - McKnight Holler

                                                                    My view during the line-thru i.e. Heaven

We know what we need drill before our rehearsal tomorrow night!

Now check out the new Zoot Video!

Cool, huh?

And for tickets, click here or call:

(937) 223.4ART


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         15
Today is sponsored by Kidron Flynn and Ryan Kolbe

Monday, May 27, 2013

Red. White. Blue.

Happy Memorial Day Folks!

                                                              Red, White and Blue works for both 
                                                                           the U.S. and the U.K.  
                                                                                  Don't Hate!

My new message is that if you want to Honor a veteran, read a book!  Do it!

Yesterday was a long and useful rehearsal.  We ran the show twice and after the first (mostly) disastrous run, we did a little work and ran it again to much better effect.  It's been decided that the Mechanicals will not be wearing masks (besides the asshead) so that is helpful.

I'm in pretty good shape, but as my "poem" about the faeries demonstrates, I'm still having a little trouble with the "Monsiueur Cobweb" section:

The text basically reads:

Monsieur / Good Monsieur / Good Monsieur / Monsieur / Good Monsieur / Signior / Monsieur / Monsieur / Good Monsieur / Good Monsieur / Monsieur

Yep.  Like that.  Ay yi yi.

We'll get there.

While I didn't technically have a Hang Out, I did get to see one of my best friends from High School, one Bryce Carmichael.  What a treat.  I didn't even know he'd moved to West Virginia until I asked him for his address to post him a letter recently.  We talked into the wee hours of the morning and I'm hopeful I might get to catch him one more time before he leaves mid-week.  We'll see . . .

I haven't had a chance to brag about people in the past couple days, so I'm going to make up for at least a little of that today.

Shannon Norton was a Dance major when I was at WSU.  We were friends but as we didn't share many of the same courses, we only saw each other now and then.  I think the only show we were actually in together was The Secret Garden my freshman year.  She was a dancing hedge and I was Ben Weatherstaff.

Is that right Shannon?  Or were you in Chicago as well?

Regardless, Shannon and I re-connected a couple of years ago and I got to see her when she visited L.A.  I haven't seen her yet this summer but I look forward to it.

In addition to her dance work and obsession with Disney, Shannon is a the Department Support Supervisor in WSU's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and just completed her Master's in Student Affairs and Higher Education.

Congratulations Shannon!

                                                                  Couldn't find a pic of Shannon and I together, 
                                                                          but this one always makes me smile!

Look out world!  She's comin' to get ya!

I hope the rain clears enough for everyone to have their BBQs.  Maybe I'll even see a few of you!

Until tomorrow . . .


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         14
Today is sponsored by Kidron Flynn

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Marvelous! Wonderful! (+ a link)

What a great day!

I had the chance to see the amazing Sara Mackie (Smith, Agee) in The Marvelous Wonderettes: Caps N Gowns at the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati.  Making musicals fun again.  Despite the lunatic sitting behind me yapping the entire time.

I was accompanied by Mr. McKnight and my folks and we had a great time.

We met Sara after the show and caught up at Taste of Belgium.  Aren't we adorable?

After a great meal (consisting largely of frites), a wonderfully quirky waitress and some sparkling conversation, we got stuck in the parking garage for a bit.  (I thankfully didn't have to tear the gate off.)

When I got home Brian graciously agreed to run lines with me preparation for a multi-run rehearsal tomorrow evening.

I'm pooped.

Time to veg and then try to sleep.  Not sure if I've go the energy to tackle the Dr. tonight.

Oh, and here's the latest link for the Zoot Summer Series!


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         14
Today is sponsored by Kidron Flynn

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Though she be but little, she is fierce!


Had a fairly uneventful Friday chillaxing with the dad's and then I had the chance to go to Treasure Island to sup with McKnight and one of my favorite actors and human beings, Mr. Michael Lippert.

Lippert and I both had Liver.  Yum!

I then went to see many old friends and new at Captain Johnny's Whizbang (last Friday of every month).   I had forgotten it was going on but was reminded by Miss Lucy Fern and so I went to Gilly's to check it out.

This is a monthly variety show in Dayton.  It included some members of the Freakshow Deluxe (the Reverend Tommy Gunn, Miss Malice Aforethought and Lil Miss Firefly - swallowing a balloon below).

                                                                            In case you're having trouble 
                                                                         with the shitty camera phone pic, 
                                                                             Miss Firefly is 27" tall; she is 
                                                                                    behind the monitor.

There was some fun.  I got to rummage around in a box and say a dirty word onstage.  The upshot is, I won a Bridge set.  Anyone else down for a geriatric themed party?  Anyone?

We made a quick stop at the Trolley Stop and then I returned to McKnight's for a little late-night shit shooting.  All in all it was a good day.

Still got a lot of lines to finalize in me noggin, but I'm looking forward to some theatre tomorrow.

Enjoy your Saturday!


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         13
Today is sponsored by Dinette Hammar and Vanessa Ballam

Friday, May 24, 2013

... there we may rehearse more obscenely and courageously!


Saw Star Trek today, mostly loved it.  Quinto is very good.  Ate Max & Erma's with the guys.  A Garbage Burger with no bun still *works*!  Then I hung out with my bro in Dayton for a bit before going to rehearsal.

We finished blocking show #1 and then stumbled through.  I kind of felt like I fell off a train at the end of it, so I think it's going well.  I do have my work cut out for me this weekend as I do my damndest to get off book for Sunday's run(s).  Wish me lucks.

Here's a teaser of something we may be using.

But now on to you guys!

I'm a little bummed that I only have a few more of these to go, but let me tell you about someone I mentioned in a blog not too long ago.   As I stated on the 15th, I ran into Sommer McGuire at the Kroger's near my dads' house when I was picking up a few things. She quipped, "So is my donation paying for that 30 pack of PBR?"

I replied, "In a way."

Sommer gave me a hug and turned her head as she had a little bit of illness running through her household.
She had recently finished a production of The Crucible and said it wore her down a bit. But Sommer is always busy.

Sommer was always hella fun and I used her house as a crashpad when she and Matt lived in Denver on more than one occasion before they moved back East. Matt is from Fairborn.

Sommer works in the tech industry and both are the proud parents of Maddie. The McGuire family proudly participated in the Dayton Flame Walk for Epilepsy shortly before arrived. They are just that cool!

A good friend of mine from high school, I had forgotten the McGuires live in Fairborn. I look forward to catching up with her and her family soon.

And I look forward to catching up with the rest of you tomorrow.


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         12
Today is sponsored by Dinette Hammar

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Beautiful Place, Beautiful People

Whaddup y'all!

Going to see Star Trek wth the family today.  Looking forward to it.  Then we'll finish blocking show # 1 tonight.  That's the plan.

We got to spend some time in the Hale Cloister last night.  What a beautiful space!  It also offers some challenges of its own.

                                                              Kelsey and Anita squabble as Helena and Hermia;
                                                                              view from the non-seating side

                                                            The Lovers: Anita, Kelsey, Darren and Mathys' legs

                                                                                     Victoria runs rehearsal

You can see that even if you don't dig on Shakespeare there is something to be gained in this space, called by many one of the most beautiful places in the Dayton area.

We got rained out of rehearsing after a couple of hours so we headed back to the studio, but it was great to feel the spirit of the cloister as it will inform our dreaming about Midsummer!  We also spent some time playing a game called Moods and then some Apples to Apples.

Now as I move on to bragging about my supporters today, I'd like to turn my attention South of L.A., more specifically to Long Beach, California.

Long Beach is an interesting mix of people.  I've heard it has the highest per capita of strippers *living* there in the U.S..   One can still do a proper bar crawl in several areas of the city.  The going out party crowd tends to be more mature (i.e. my age) and there is something of a delicious small town feel though the LBC is directly linked to Los Angeles.  It's also just enough Orange County without being so laid-back it has become retarded.

In a word, I like the LBC.  There were a couple of scenarios where I almost moved there, but it didn't happen.  Not much makes me want to stir from the convenient centrality of Hollyweird, but Long Beach has come close a couple of times.

It helps that I have some really good friends down there.

I mentioned that the Huntingtons were incredibly generous in putting together the Bard in the Yard event before I left SoCal.  (The video doesn't seem to want to come off of my camera.  Ugh.  I'll post it when/if I ever figure it out.  ; / )

This was Geri's brainchild.  Geri is a deadhead, knitter and beader and I have accompanied her to events when her hubby is working as a sound guy.  Ken is a booker, sound tech and music enthusiast.  He is a proponent of self-reliance the whole foods movement (specifically juicing).

Ken is from Rockford, IL and has been a big supporter of N&S: touring with us and once upon a time helping us to run the Tiki-Tonk at the Puka Bar (RIP).  Ken and Geri have often offered me a Murphy bed on many occasions at Longbeach Huntington's Home for Wayward Musicians and Botanical Gardens and I just love being there.

I'm pretty sure Ken and I are cooking up a desert overnight when I get back in the Fall, right Ken?

But you guys know that, don't you?

Another couple that has helped me out a lot in different ways since my arrival in California are the Kanes.

Both Ted and Christy are Librarians and Ted is a fellow Buckeye and also served as the Father of the Bride at the BEER-Naked Wedding.

It had been some time since I'd seen them, so it was a lovely surprise to see them at the Bard in the Yard event.  And Christy did such a nice job of tricking out an envelope I had to share it with you guys.

Hope to see more of these two in the coming years if we can find time amidst their constant globetrotting!

: )

The rest of you I will catch up with tomorrow.


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         11
Today is sponsored by Dinette Hammar

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

All but 8 days underwritten - WOWSERS!


We finished blocking through scene 11 for Midsummer tonight, which makes a bit more than halfway done and then we ran what we finished a couple of times.  The work is quick and sweaty, but moving along nicely.

                                                                         Mathys, Juliet and Darren look on as 
                                                                                 Anita asks Brian a question

Tomorrow we look at the performance space.  Bazzah!

Now I'd like to talk about some cool people.  I've had so many awesome people help me out that I still get to talk them all up!  : D

Nathaniel Beaver (twitter) is a great fella I met at IU in the Film and Television Center.  He is the driving force behind Parry-Riposte Films where he is the founder and also serves as a producer, director and editor.  I've only had the opportunity to appear in of Nathaniel's projects (Chrismas: A Revenge Tale - don't blink),  but we do get together every so often for a rousing game of  LOTR Risk or one of his patent all-night movie marathons.  He picks a theme and goes with it (i.e. zombies, Nazis, &tc. . . .)

The Beav is a massive LOTR fan and has spent some time in New Zealand for obvious reasons.

He's an all-around great guy and I look forward to our next Hang Out when I get back to LaLa!  Here's a poster for C:ART.

                                                                           I'm down on the right somewheres . . .

Sanfauken is made up of Mars Sanford and Kerri Van Auken, two of my favorite Chicago friends who have lived in a LA for a couple of years now.  They are fun folks how make *every* party better as they sterling conversationalists and highly creative individuals.

Mars is an animator and artist that does some improv work and is also into beersbiking and bands like TMBG, Ween and Phish.  I have been so happy to have him around, especially that night where he made up the minimum number (3) for a realistic pub trivia team.  Cheers buddy!

Kerri is a writer, comedian, baker and half of the comedy duo Size Eight, which opened for N&S once upon a time. She's a great cook and a fabulous merchandiser darling.  She teaches cooking to kids and also runs Treats Couture (and I'm told she makes great edibles if anyone is looking . . . )  She shares her husband's hobbies and taste and enthusiasm for the music listed above.

I hate to brag, but I just know the best people!

If anyone is still on the fence now that we're over-funded, there are still 8 specific days left to subsidize.  Not sure if that's a carrot, but I just figured I'd throw it out there.



Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         10
Today is sponsored by Brad Fletcher and Traycee King

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Greene Renaissance

Hello Lovers!

I've been home a little over week and I've only gotten seriously stir crazy once.

I'm working on some transpo ideas that will make you all do at least one treble-take.  (I'll let you know when I've arrived at a conclusion.)

I've had the chance to do a little bit of Hanging Out with my dads in addition to the regular kind.  Both my eldest brother and my cousin donated time to them and so far I've had the chance to move some furniture around and put some plants on the back deck as my pop continues on his quest for his own private Xanadu.

He told me today that he's loved plants as far back as he can remember.  Shows, don't it?

I'll keep you updated as he continues to make additions.  His plant-ariums are always restful.

I was very thankful to get a readthrough of Faustus last night as it will be the biggest challenge this summer.  I have a few more ideas about how to approach this puzzle of a play.  I'm also thankful to finally get *in* to the Art Institute.  You gotta know where you're gonna be playing, eh?

And look at this theatre!

                                                                                 NCR Renaissance Auditorium

                                                                                               ceiling detail

                                                                      McKnight directs Andrew Quiett as Oberon 

Interestingly, this is *not* where we're going to be performing, but it is nice to be in the museum regardless.  A great feeling, particularly when doing some measure of museum theatre!  *rimshot*  We'll be in the Italian (Hale) Cloister which we get to see on Wednesday, though I'll admit to having spied it through a door. Beautiful area, and one in which I'm looking forward to playing.

Looking forward to more blocking tomorrow, though I think we'll mostly be in the Studio at this point.  I'll let you know how it goes.


Funding:                104.7%
Days in Ohio:         9
Today is sponsored by Brad Fletcher

Monday, May 20, 2013

To blog or not to blog . . .

Hey y'all!

We blocked scenes 1 - 4 at the studio today.  I'm really looking forward to actually getting into the DAI, but it sounds like it will be an inconsistent thing.

Here's some pix of things Tristan is working on at the shop.

                                                                                    Lovers (early stages)

But that's all I got today friends.

Let me leave you with this.


Funding:                104.7%
Days in Ohio:         8
Today is sponsored by Brad Fletcher

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Couple Couples (+1)

Happy Sunday!

Familial obligations yesterday netted this pic from a rooftop loft.

Neat, huh?

The home we visited also had all kinds of quirky cool items, like this presidential memorabilia.

I loves me some historical stuff.  Which is why the folks and I just finished watching part of a Titanic documentary.

But I digress (as usual).

Today's blog is meant to be a Donor Brag, about two of my favorite couples (+1).

Kenny Dellinger and Dylan Diehl (who we all hope will become the Diehllengers after wedlock) are two of my homies that make their nest in Burbank not so far from where I have worked on and off for the last five years. Kenny works in production and Dylan works in all kinds of productions.  (See what I did there?)

I also have a project I hope we can tackle full on when I'm back in the Fall.  Sound good, D's?

I first met Kenny at IU and we had several adventures. Kenny is argumentative, semantics-obsessed and a tough guy to play a game with.  He's also loyal, intelligent, hard-working and the kind of bulldog you want on your team.  Especially if a bill needs to get a paid or an unpopular point needs to be driven home. He's a helluva production coordinator, but he'd also make a great lawyer (as he has been told many times).  I've often thought he would have made a great road manager.  In another life perhaps . . .

Enterprising is his word.

He also likes pirates, so he's definitely on my team.

                                                                         Diehl and Dellinger at a Pirate Murder 
                                                                               Mystery Party; Van Nuys 2011
Suck it ninjas!

Dylan is a dear and far easier to converse with than her boychik. (At least the conversations tend to flow a little more easily.)    ; )

She is smart, beautiful, sophisticated and cool.  Raised in Pasadena she is one of my closest native Angeleno friends, a rare breed indeed.  Dylan makes her living as a tutor and an actor, having done many productions in the theatre.  Probably not difficult to see why we get on.  She's also tri-lingual.

You can learn more about her here.

The other couple I'd like to whom I'd like to give props are the Maloneys.   An oblique IU-Chicago connection lead me to meet Tucker and Katy, and ultimately Fyona.

Great looking family, eh?   (The kid's a bit bigger these days, but I didn't have any snaps of the three together, so deal with it all right?!)

Tucker is a big hunk o' man currently running the The Tucker Maloney Show.  I like it.  You should too.  He's a big guy with a booming basso profundo (speaking wise, never heard him warble) that gets him much voiceover work and instant respect.  He's also worked in radio, film and television.  He's certainly fun to have around at your BBQ.

Invite him.

His wife, Katy, (equally fun to cut up with) is a tall self-identified Red-Headed Actress.  Her maiden name is Moosbrugger and I do believe she's from good Northern European stock.  I have only had the chance to see her onstage once, in an L.A. production of PROOF, but I look forward to working her one day.  I dig her work man.

Katy's also a wonderful friend and a straight shooter and the mother of the lovely Fyona pictured above.

Fyona is nowhere near as tall as her parents.  Give it time.

Their donation cracked me up because of the snark Tucker felt compelled to include with the gift.

If you can't make it out, the memo reads:  "SOME THEATRE CRAP"

This is why I love them.  That and all of these folks were reasons the PARTyING IS SUCH SWEET SORROW event was a successful as it was.

Thanks again to you all!


Funding:                104.7%
Days in Ohio:         7
Today is sponsored by John DeBoer and Dustin Henderlong

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mr. Fix-it

Good Day All!

I said it once and I'll say it again.  I've really been enjoying the rain.  I miss weather so much!

I got up and helped my pop fix his printer (i.e. plugged in the USB cable) and the power washer (i.e. found the piece he dropped in the garage) and generally felt pretty good about myself.  *pats back*

Then my good friend drove me down to to Cincy to have my Hang Out with my youngest sister Cate as she moved the last of her stuff out of holding in my brother's house in North College Hill.

I think she was happy to get it all done even though she and my step-dad had a drive back to IL in front of them.  (See you both in August!)

After that I met some new friends and was invited to a BBQ that was only drizzled on a bit. I didn't buy the live bait in the gas station, but instead opted for a hunk of meat from the grocery.

I got the opportunity to man the grill for a bit and have fake throwing stars launched at my head.  It was a nice afternoon.

I then made a quick visit to Master Tristan and finally Master McKnight where I helped get the end off of his kitchen sink so he could attach his Brita filter.  We were both only sprayed with water once a piece and it finished my day with a perfect three fixes for friends and family.

It is nice to be useful!



Funding:                104.7%
Days in Ohio:         5
Today is sponsored by John DeBoer

Friday, May 17, 2013


Guten Tag!

Today I had some time with my folks and as we were running errands I got a good taste of being back in the Heart of it All.  The Buckeye State is something else let me tell you.

While I was in line at the credit union an Orca-fat guy, just as he turned to leave, grabbed a small white bucket and sneezed into it.  Weird.  Then everyone in line felt compelled to discuss it.  I finished my transaction and stopped by the water fountain and some old lady rushed up to me to tell me how she always stopped for a drink there because the water was so delicious.  It was not.  It wasn't even particularly cold.

What was delicious was the meal I shared with my folks at the historic Clifton Mill.

The wheel was going super fast after those great storms last night.  I miss thunder.  I miss lightning.  I miss rain.  Good stuff!

After that relaxing afternoon, I attended a second read-through and tablework session for a A Midsummer Night's Dream.  I think we learned some things tonight.  I took some quick footage of young master Cameron Blankenship in an early stab at Robin's epilogue.

I think you can see where he might be heading.  I like his instincts.

You may have noticed I've had a few more donations showing up.  I'm very grateful.  Once I figure out how to update my cover here remotely (different software, etc.) we'll get everything up-to-date on the FB.

But if you're following here, you are up-to-date, eh?


Funding:                104.7%
Days in Ohio:         4
Today is sponsored by Bridget Krull

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hold or cut bow strings!


After the cast shin-dig I spent sometime with my good friends Tommy and Alice before Tommy took off to Halifax for some gigs with the Freakshow Deluxe.  This gave me time to catch up with Alice and the kids as they munched peanuts on the couch and generally giggled.

                                                                       with Charlotte and the Green Monster

Following a long and fairly lazy day with friends I got to go to the Zoot Studio Space for the first time and see where the magic happens.  We also made some magic ourselves with a Folio session and then a first read-through.

So far so good.  I think audiences will really enjoy this rendition when get going.  I look forward to unpacking the play tomorrow night.

On the other hand, I am woefully behind on talking up my donors, but now that I'm getting settled back into being home I think I can catch up!

I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about a fantastic foursome.  Two couples that would show up consistently to Naked & Shameless gigs and make them that much more enjoyable for us as artists.  Now those are some kick-ass fans to have.

The funny part was when Chris & Lisa sent me a contribution I had no idea who it was from as I had never heard either of them use a last name and their Facebook profile is a joint profile for Chris Lisa.  I think it's pretty smart and a great way to cut down on clutter, but now I know their surnames and that helps a lot.

                                                          Chris and I at DiPiazza's 11.11.11

And one more of this lovely couple together (stolen from their page).

I also had a chance to really chat with them at Bard in the Yard (though I forgot to give you guys your book or shirt!  Ugh.  We'll fix it in the fall.)  I didn't know Chris had a history doing Shakespeare, nor did I realize he is a set painter for the South Coast Rep.  Pretty cool, eh?

Their buddies who were often with them at shows, Erik & Julie, showed up with a cooler, a small bucket for drinks and general support.  Julie went on to tell me how she is part of a family of musicians and she went for the steady gig with the paycheck and benefits.  I didn't really get a chance to talk one on one to Erik, but our energies are similar and I love having him around.

Since I can't find more of my own pix from Nigel Tufnel Day, here's a few more shots of different configurations of these party people for your viewing pleasure!  : D

                                                                        Chris and Erik    

                                                                                              Erik and Julie

Julie also told me that she was defending my integrity as an artist (though I'm not sure to whom) and I was honored by the presence of these four, among others at the Bard in the Yard event.  Thank you all for your generous outpouring and general good will.

I look forward to more Hang Out time like that in the Fall - off the clock!  : )


Funding:                102.9%
Days in Ohio:         3
Today is sponsored by Bridget Krull

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Exciting Prospects

Hey y'all!

We had a great meet and greet at Chez McKnight last night and I had the opportunity to speak with several new people and a few old friends.  This promises to be a very exciting summer.  Everyone is rearing to go and Tristan brought a prototype for one of the fairies with charmingly squeaky wings that I'm sure will quickly lose their charm.

I also had the opportunity to Hang Out with my brother and meet his fiance.  It was nice to catch up with the old boy.  When we stopped at Kroger they were selling this very Midwestern item:

and I ran into Sommer McGuire who I caught up with for a few moments before heading to the opening soiree.

Tonight is our first rehearsal.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Going to be fun!



Funding:                102.3%
Days in Ohio:         2
Today is sponsored by Michael G Mauloff and Bridget Krull