Hey y'all!
You have literally killed me with your kindness. The events this weekend were phenomenal and the result beyond new friends and old, a slutbucket, Bard in the Yard, great conversations, heartfelt gratitude and unbelievable generosity is that this campaign is 98% funded!
I can barely comprehend how much love has been pouring my way in the last few months and the last two days specifically. Thank you. Thank you! And again, I say THANK YOU! A million times thank you.
No, really. Thank. You.
I will continue to blog, and I have a few more folks I look forward to bragging about, but let me say that the PARTyING is Such Sweet Sorrow event helmed by Shawn DeLoache brought many people and nearly 2 bills in the bucket! (!) It also got me time with (in no particular order) Cory Hensley, Dawn Barber, Shawn himself, David Mickler and Friend, Andrew Tan, Amy Wood and Friend, Shelby Hazelett, Cassy Kojak and Friends, Lindi Rubin, Chris Spalatin, Ashley Waldman, Brad & Sara Fletcher, Johnny Vallone, Kenny Dellinger, Tucker Maloney, phone calls and well wishes from folks who couldn't make it, Kate Hackett, Kyle Walters, Brandon Bales and Friends, Nathaniel Beaver, Luis Garcia, Jonathan M. C. Jordan, and apologies to anyone else I forgot. If you think of somebody who was at the soiree who's name I didn't list, put it in the comments and shame me publicly!
I like it!
And the Bard in the Yard event let me act like a Jackass for Ken & Geri Huntington, Laura Johnson, Ted & Christy Kane, Rachel Davis, Chris & Lisa Holmes, Mike (I can't read/remember his last name), Julie Puryear and Erik Innes and Esther Chan. Only one person's face was bitten by a dog and even more cash than the night before showed up in the bucket. And I got through the readings without choking on a chicken or falling asleep on my burning hot feet.
Here's the program for the curious:
I'll look at the recording and see if it has any use in being posted. ; )
Also, as I mentioned, the campaign stays open until I return to L.A. on September 1st, so if you feel moved to contribute down the line, even as we hit 100%, please feel free to do so. If you've pledged, please get it to me when you can with my thanks. And if you want to know what $$$ over 100% funding would be used for refer to this earlier post.
Big love to you all!
Now I MUST pack, Pack, PACK!!!
And for your delectation, ladies and germs . . . the SLUTBUCKET!
Funding: 98%
Days to OH: 2
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