Monday, April 1, 2013

Fool's Luck

Happy New Year Everyone!

I took a moment to reflect on the concept of The Fool and dug up the info from my old Norse Tarot Deck.  It all seemed so apropos, I thought I would share it with you.

Though admittedly I've always felt more simpatico with Loki and even Odin and I sleep in the posture of the Hanged Man nearly every night, it is The Fool, identified in Norse myth as Balder the Beautiful, that seems to smile down on this project. 

This card represents new beginnings and a cycle of new events, among other things. 

Though I don't put much stock in Mysticism, I have always enjoyed oblique intuition and the joy of serendipity and happenstance.  So I'll take this mascot on for the journey this summer.  It can't hurt.

And speaking of things that can't hurt, here are a couple of fellas who helped raise the funding for the SSSS to 42%!

Christian Duhamel: is a talented composer that I have not seen for years, but I am always hearing about how he is out in the world producing art as a performer, as a creator, as a director and a facilitator.  In keeping with his usual spirit of collaboration he has chosen to help this old dog learn some new tricks this summer with puppets and Shakespeare!  I encourage you to check out his website by clicking the link above.  You never know when you might need a multi-talented fellow like Mnsr. Duhamel! 

Chris Uzelac: is another former student of mine who has been kicking ass in the realm of the theatre, in his case in NorCal, San Francisco in particular.  The last time I saw Chris he had brought a group of folks to see Naked & Shameless open for the Mighty Slim Pickins at the El Rio, I believe.  

Chris was most recently seen as John Wellington Wells in The Sorcerer at Lamplighters Theatre.  He also works for Square.

Knowing guys like these, this Fool's got all the luck!

: D



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