***IN SEARCH OF BENEFACTORS . . . No amount too small!***
Friends and Neighbors.
I have been offered one of those grand opportunities that I’d really like to be able to take, but as with most things in the world of the Arts, the funding is just not enough in and of itself for me to make it work. This project would take place over the summer in the Dayton area and it would involve me being on stage in a very public forum that will benefit citizens of the Miami Valley.
And it will feed my inner artist. *nom*nom*nom*
So why am I contacting you?
• Well many of you have expressed over the years how much you’d like to see me perform again.
If that is something that drives you, then have I got a deal for you!
• Several people complain they never get to see me during the rare times I am able to get home.
Well listen up, I have a solution.
• All of you are good people who are always on the lookout for concrete ways to help others.
And as I was still a person the last time I checked, I’m confident you’ll want to know about this.
The bottom line is I would be in Ohio from Mid-May to Mid-August and if there were enough interest (at least $500.00 over the goal) I would be able tack on a week or two in Chicago and stay until the beginning of September.
Wouldn’t that be cool?
After figuring out my lavish style of living (hardy har har), the funding I would be offered to complete this project would leave me in arrears about $3000.00. I won’t bore you with the calculations, though if anyone is interested in the specifics I will be happy to provide them. Transparency is key.
Here’s what I propose:
If you contribute to my Summer Shakespeare Sojourn Subsidy, I will do the following for you in return.
up to $5 = I will call, email or Skype you (if I can figure it out) and tell you what’s going on
with the project or answer any other question you might have for 10 – 15 minutes.
with the project or answer any other question you might have for 10 – 15 minutes.
$10 = I will Hang Out with you for no less than 30 minutes.
$25 = I will Hang Out with you for no less than 60 minutes.
$36 = With this amount, you will be funding 1/84 of my subsidy and thus are entitled to 90 (Day Honor) minutes of Hanging Out time. You rock!
$50 = 2 hours to Hang Out and do what you like! Yes!
$100 = We will Hang Out for 6 hours. What do you want to do?
$200 = I am at your beck and call for a full day. After all you made it possible for me to be (Travel Honor) in Dayton, or to go back to L.A. at the end of it! (Maybe even a stop over in
$250 = I will be your thrall for 3 days (which do not have to be consecutive) and very (Week Honor) grateful!
$251+ = Please contact me to discuss your terms. I’m sure I’ll agree.
$1000 = As above and anything else I can think of to show you how awesome I think you (Month Honor) are!
But wait, there’s more!
Anyone who donates $50 dollars or more will receive an autographed copy of my first book of poetry (CARNIVAL of FILTH) or a genuine Naked & Shameless T-shirt!
At $100 I’ll give ya one of each!
[while supplies last]
Or if you’re someone who would like something concrete for your donation I’ll make the same offer.
I will sell directly to you a copy of CARNIVAL OF FILTH or a Naked & Shameless Shirt (3 styles available as of 3.1.13) for $25.
I will be happy to sell you as many of any of these items at $25 a piece in furtherance of this enterprise!
Please contact me directly for details. : )
All Hanging Out and other activities will be scheduled around rehearsals, performances and adequate sleep and should in no way impinge upon my ability to perform the project being subsidized. Duh!
Scheduling will be on a first come first serve basis. When you donate you will be given access to an interactive calendar with open spaces for scheduling.
If anyone outside of the Dayton area wishes to contribute, we can schedule time before or after the Summer Sojourn for your Hanging Out session or agree upon any comparable activity to match your kind donation.
Remember, “Hang Out” time can translate to anything you want. You can put me to work or chill with me or make fun of me as long as I am still physically, mentally and emotionally able to perform and rehearse the subsidized project which takes place specifically from about 5/15 through 8/15 2013.
So by now, you’re probably saying to yourself:
“What an awesome chance to help an awesome friend of mine do something awesome! I wanna Hang Out! How do I get involved?”
Well it’s very simple.
You can send any amount via paypal:
or I will take cash or check:
(message me for the mailing address)
or if you’re close by and feel so inclined I have a Square and can take debit or credit cards.
Please make sure you let me know that you've contributed so we can Hang Out!
Of course anonymous donations will be graciously accepted. But then we wouldn’t get to Hang Out!
Once you’ve donated I’ll give you access to the calendar for my Summer Shakespeare Sojourn Subsidy, access to the blog I will keep about the experience and a shout out on twitter about you sponsoring that day or week or what-have-you.
I’m also continuing to experiment with the livestream option, so the possibilities are endless! : )
Most importantly, you will have my sincere and enduring gratitude for the opportunity to spend some time at home with people I love doing something I love for the people at large.
I do hope you can help.
And it may be a cliché, but no amount is too small to help. Seriously.
And even if you personally can’t contribute (believe me I understand!) feel free to pass it on to people we know in common who might be willing and able to help out or pass it on in turn.
Word of mouth is the strongest ally grassroots artists have ever or will ever have.
I love you all.
Thank you for even considering this cockamamie scheme. I hope to Hang Out with you all *soon*!
Can I book 2 30 minute sessions back to back and save 5 bucks, or do I have to purchase the 60 minute hangout package at that point?
ReplyDeleteI think you know the right answer.