Friday, April 26, 2013

Lay on MacDuff!

Hey everyone!

Got a nice surprise from William Courson who played MacDuff in that MacBeth I was talking about in the Glitterati post a few days ago.  He also did a lot of Tech work during his time at Sinclair.  He has been active in the Dayton Theatre Community and is currently working with La Comedia Dinner Theatre, an institution in the Miami Valley.

Will is a strapping young lad with a surprisingly soft tone to his speech.

He's also way cooler than me.  See?

You can probably also see why he goes by "Supertramp"!

I enjoyed fighting with and being killed by him, so I look forward to catching up with him this summer!

Thanks Will!



Funding:                    67.2%
Days to Departure:   18

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! Thanks for the kind words, dear friend! I absolutely look forward to seeing you this summer. I doubt,though, that I could possibly be "cooler" than you.
