I just noticed today that we've reached more than 3000 views on the blog!
That's pretty amazing!
Here's some stats that may interest you:
- 50 Benefactors have backed the Summer Shakespeare Sojourn Subsidy
- $2350.92 of the require $3500 has been received to date
- 58 of 91 or 63.7% of days have been sponsored to date
- People from 10 different countries have viewed the blog, overwhelmingly from the US (87%)
- The furthest benefactor donated from Dubai
- Most benefactors have been from LA (18) and California (22)with the Dayton and Chicago areas showing many as well
- The most popular donation method has been PayPal
- 20 hours and 30 minutes of 116 hours and 15 minutes or 17.6% have been completed to date
- The first blog post (2/25/13) is also the most popular with 798 views and 2 comments
- Most of my computer viewers use Windows (35%)
- Most of my phone viewers use iPhones (15%)
- The most used browser to see the blog is Firefox (28%)
If there's any other data you'd like, let me know and I'll crunch the numbers. : )
And here's some other stats that may interest you as well:
Let's keep the ball rolling! We're just over 2/3 of the way there!
Thanks for all you do!
Funding: 67.2%
Days to Departure: 17
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