Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Closed Mondays

I had some really crazy insomnia last night.  Luckily I didn't have anywhere particular to be, at least not until this evening.

We had a couple tech runs last night, and I have to say, I think we're in good shape to open Wednesday.  I look forward to the run tonight and spectators!

My pops planned to go to the Fair this after, but it turns out that the $2 with a canned food item entrance fee promo is Monday and Thursday so we'll wait until then later this week.

Wow am I scattered!

I guess chronology is over-rated, eh?

So the big event yesterday was the chance to meet up with my good friend Daria Schaffnit. After hanging around the house in the morning, I had the opportunity to catch up with her. Of course, the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley, so my suggestion that we meet at Leo Bistro (where the lunches for the Summer Series are made) was thwarted by the dreaded Museum Hours.

Because we're rehearsing, it never occurred to me that the DAI is closed on Mondays. Duh.

We talked about a lot, having not seen each other for about a decade, and we had a nice time sitting on a bench on the DAI hill looking over Dayton's ongoing Riverview construction. I'd say the sign of a good conversation is not needing more than a space in which to hold it. Of course it helped that the weather was fine and the company good.

We yammered on about life, love and the pursuit of happiness, art, mutual friends, moving and anything else we could get our minds around. It was a truly inspiring and helpful conversation for me and I, for one, am very glad the Associate Pastor of Faith Formation and Family Life at David's United Church of Christ had time to fit me in.

Too little in end, but it was a refreshing to natter with a like-minded person and I felt rejuvenated when we made our goodbyes.

: )

I'm hoping this starts the trend I'm expecting sooner rather than later where my friends say: "Hey, you're leaving! You just got here." (though I've been home for 2.5 months) and that people start to make the effort to see me before I leave Ohio in the next 17 days or so - then it's Look Out Chicago!

It will be a spell before I make it back here for any length of time . . . Just sayin' . . .

And we out!


Funding:                110.3%
Days in Ohio:         79
Today is sponsored by the Maloneys

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