Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shortly shall all my labours end . . .

I spent yesterday being most useful.  I helped my pop with some foot errands and then some booking-on-the-internet-style errands and then I spent some time working on a few new lines.  I then went to the Zoot studio early (for the final time) with some brownies dad made for everyone.  They were a big hit!  Ghiradelli don'tcha know!

Tristan and I checked out my Goddess puppet - yes I'm the Queen of the Sky in case you didn't realize - and then we filmed some of Caliban's movements so I could see them from the outside.  When Mathys and Anita arrived we ran the drunk scenes a few times and then rehearsal started in earnest as we worked through the show again - to good avail I think.

Following notes we worked some kinks out of some specific scenes and then said good bye to the studio for the last time this summer.  I love all the detritus and the general whimsy of the space but I can't say I am sorry to leave the dust and the generally pervasive heat, though at least last night was admittedly mild.

JJ prepares Prospero before we begin the run; 
Brian surveys the space

When I got home I found out that many of my elder relatives are ailing and I was glad to know that my dads have the time to go visit some of them today.  I am thankful they have not only the time but also the ability and desire to do so.

At the end of the day I decided to indulge in some well-earned vegging time before heading to bed.

Today we're back in the DAI for spacing and I do look forward to it!  I think tonight's rehearsal will shed light on many unasked as well as unanswered questions.



Funding:                110.3%
Days in Ohio:        74
Today is sponsored by Chris & Lisa Holmes and Erik Innes & Julie Puryear

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