Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What happens if I am overfunded?

Hey y'all!

This is one of those questions that always seems to be addressed in these fundraising deals, so I thought I should answer it too.  Especially seeing as we are now over 84% funded!

Wow!  Go you!

As I have stated before, I will continue to accept help through September 1st as some folks have expressed a desire to help but inability to do it at this moment or simply that they would like to wait and contribute in person.  A better moment will materialize over the summer, or someone who didn't hear about the project will get a chance to step up.  This is the benefit of doing this on my own without a crowdsourcing site.  Plus more of your donations make it directly to the cause.

I mention this again because as they summer wears on, perhaps I will be over-funded.

What does that mean?

Well, it is not likely to be a huge surplus for me as my initial fund drive amount was the bare minimum of what I needed coupled with what I thought I would receive as compensation for my work this summer.  The latter number is somewhat less than what I had hoped, so over-funding may just put me back at bare bones, i.e. subsistence for this much time away.

Ultimately, it's all gravy because you have all been so amazingly generous.

E'en so, there are always unforeseen circumstances in any endeavor like this and having a little wiggle room can't hurt.

I am still looking into transportation options while I'm in Ohio, though I am open to barter as well . . .

I hope to give swag to donors in person, but some of my distant friends might get their items mailed faster if I have a few extra bob.  

Finally, I could use some cushion when I get back to L.A. in the fall.

Oh. At minimum I have 13 as yet unsponsored days during the SSSS proper if anyone wants to get down on that!  : D

What I will promise you is that if I get more than I need I will tell in this blog specifically what those dollars have gone to purchase with my grateful thanks.
You rock everybody!  This part of the ride has been tremendous and I am almost on to the next.  Most exciting.

Hope to see you all at some point this summer, whether it be in person or online or somewhere in the ether or the Dreamtime.



Funding:                    84.5%
Days to OH:               6 

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