Friday, May 24, 2013

... there we may rehearse more obscenely and courageously!


Saw Star Trek today, mostly loved it.  Quinto is very good.  Ate Max & Erma's with the guys.  A Garbage Burger with no bun still *works*!  Then I hung out with my bro in Dayton for a bit before going to rehearsal.

We finished blocking show #1 and then stumbled through.  I kind of felt like I fell off a train at the end of it, so I think it's going well.  I do have my work cut out for me this weekend as I do my damndest to get off book for Sunday's run(s).  Wish me lucks.

Here's a teaser of something we may be using.

But now on to you guys!

I'm a little bummed that I only have a few more of these to go, but let me tell you about someone I mentioned in a blog not too long ago.   As I stated on the 15th, I ran into Sommer McGuire at the Kroger's near my dads' house when I was picking up a few things. She quipped, "So is my donation paying for that 30 pack of PBR?"

I replied, "In a way."

Sommer gave me a hug and turned her head as she had a little bit of illness running through her household.
She had recently finished a production of The Crucible and said it wore her down a bit. But Sommer is always busy.

Sommer was always hella fun and I used her house as a crashpad when she and Matt lived in Denver on more than one occasion before they moved back East. Matt is from Fairborn.

Sommer works in the tech industry and both are the proud parents of Maddie. The McGuire family proudly participated in the Dayton Flame Walk for Epilepsy shortly before arrived. They are just that cool!

A good friend of mine from high school, I had forgotten the McGuires live in Fairborn. I look forward to catching up with her and her family soon.

And I look forward to catching up with the rest of you tomorrow.


Funding:                105.8%
Days in Ohio:         12
Today is sponsored by Dinette Hammar

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! I feel all famous n' stuff! LOL! We are SO hangin' soon! Can't wait! And can't wait to see you in all of your Shakespearean glory!
