Friday, March 29, 2013

(nearly) 40% Friday! : D

Hey Everybody!

You heard it right!  As of today we are over 39% Funded.  Who would've believed it?

Who were the latest folks to bring up these numbers?

Well clearly they're people you should know.

To Wit:

Kristina Johnson: is one of those very talented and fascinating people I had the chance to teach in the first iteration of the Act One Studios Conservatory Certificate Program in Chicago.  She also studied at the Steppenwolf School and the Gaeity School in Dublin.  KJ was always an accessible and hard-working student and I'm so glad she's in on this project because she's been out West for awhile and we haven't had a chance to connect.  Now we must!  Yay! 

And from what I can tell she's kicking ass in Sci-Fi out here!  Can't wait to catch up!

Schedule your Hang Out grrrrrl!!!! : D

Christopher D Ritter: or Critter as we affectionately called him at WSU was very good friends with my Roomie in College, one Tim Lessner, and as such we hung out from time to time.  He also contributed a play or two to the early iterations of the PlayWright Festivals.  I particularly recall the existential MEN & APPLES.

Chris worked in several web-based companies before landing at LexisNexis where he is today.  He's also one of those prized social-networking friends who consistently makes you go hmmmm.  I look forward to catching up with him this summer.

Sharon Kay Akens:  is one of the greatest women to have ever lived.  Of course I think that; she's my mother!  And she doesn't like to be talked about, so I won't say how amazing, caring, supportive, lovely, smart and funny she is.  I'll just say that I look forward to seeing her at the end of the summer.

Love ya Ma!

Ryan Kolbe: contrary to popular belief, is not made of cheese.  He is however a fellow Buckeye I met out here when were working background on a pilot that had us dressing as pilgrims. It's amazing how several 16+ hour days in 17th Century Garb in the heat of the Disney Ranch will bond a group of people.  I feel very lucky to know this warm, considerate and very funny fellow.

He's an up-and-comer, so keep an eye out for him.  Plus he's pretty cute too! ; )

I do hope you all take time to click through these links when you can.  I wouldn't be surprised if some other projects were to materialize out of these connections.

You are all too interesting for that not to happen. 

Just sayin' . . .

Also, if I said I'd see you in the Fall in Chicago, it's gonna be more like the late summer . . . August-ish . . .

More info soon.

Enjoy your weekend!



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