Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Adventure Time!

It was Sarah's birthday so after she got her mani/pedi together for the coming weekend wedding situation she and I headed over to Lakeview. We rode the Irving bus over and walked down Clark to Strange Cargo.

I don't know how many times I've taken pictures of this fucking sign, but it's always made me giggle. Still does. Obvs.

I found a few things at the store and then we walked toward Belmont. She was hungry so we stopped at a gluten-free shop, Cassavas, and had some excellent balls and empanadas. It was all delicious though it took long enough to bite into our walk-around time as we hoped to meet up with Tony after work. So I'd say check it out, but not if you're in a hurry.

After eating we stopped and I snapped a pic of the old Bar San Miguel spot. It's for sale again. Miss that spot. It needs a paint update. As time was running out we hoofed it over to Reckless where I had been taking Sarah as a surprise. She's a vinyl head. She didn't find anything immediately so I got her a gift certificate for later Sarah-speed shopping and we stopped at the L&L for a birthday shot of tequila before grabbing the train down to meet up with Tony.

They left me at Dick's Last Resort where I spent a pleasant time nattering with Nate and had the bonus of Miss Sara Linker's company as well. Nate got cut early like he had hoped and invited me over to his Monday night tradition of WWE and beers &tc.

That weird liquor store at Wilson and Sheridan had this going on.

Nate's mustache is out of control.

I've known Evan longer than most of you. He was a student at Pre-College Programs when I worked there a million years ago, so I met him when he was 12. Yep.

And then there's Zack. Great to see ya buddy!

I talked Nate and a few of the guys into visiting the Uptown as I hadn't seen it yet. Lawrence looked the same. The view across from the bar was too.

They finally removed the wall permanently from the VIP room, but the staff in there really sucks now. The bouncer was trying to tell me the wall was taken out 10 years ago and that he's a doorman not a bouncer and the 'tender was just *bo-ring* - a far cry from the fun I used to have there. As far as I'm concerned, RIP Uptown Lounge.

I wouldn't bother people.

I then decided since I was up I might as well check out the Oasis as it was on my list. Lewie and Ally met me out and we had a little more beer. That place looked the same, but just didn't feel as awesome without Gigi shouting everybody down. Still it was fun.

Look at those little faces. So. Cute.

I stumbled back to the Loyola stop and then caught the train downtown to switch to the blue, all in fairly short order until I fell asleep and rode the train to O'Hare. Oops.

I crawled in to the G's around 6 after torturing a few too many of you with texts (sheepish grin) and inexplicably joining snapchat. *shakes head*

Hope that was a fun read for y'all.  Now I'm going back to sleep.

Tonight's Shorthand:

7p - Cesar's (killermargaritas.com)
3166 N Clark 60657

9p ish - Drop (dropchicago.com)
1909 N Lincoln 60614

Costume Karaoke starts at 10p

Later on.


Funding:                114.6%
Days in Chicago:   13
Days Away:          107
Today is sponsored by Steve Haskin

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