Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks!

(And, no, that's not a fart joke . . .)

The storms last night were no laughing matter.

It's been a long time since a crack of thunder woke me up from a dead sleep.  And it is still pouring now.  I'm so grateful to get some good storms, especially as thick as the air was last night.  It will certainly offer some release, particularly in the studio where we've been sweating through our clothes every night in our efforts to make the art.

You'll also notice that I said I was in a dead sleep.  Yes friends, I think I'm recovered.  And I'm so happy.

The only negative to the rain is that we were supposed to be on location (i.e. outside) for a spacing rehearsal tonight and if it doesn't get rained out it will certainly be muddy.  I also suspect the press call tomorrow morning might be a wash as well, but we'll have to wait and see how that plays out.

Personally my work in the run last night was more than sub-par and it caught me off guard as I had looked over my material.  Perhaps it put me too much back in my head? We'll see what happens when we get back to another run - perhaps tonight with the inclement weather?

We hit FAUSTUS one more time before leaving it until after we open next week.  I'm very excited about how this one will turn out.  I do need to accomplish a lot before I can get out of the way of the production, so after the excuse of being under the weather, it's really time for me to buckle down.

And so I shall . . .

In addition, for your delectation, here are some jumbled costume pieces from MIDSUMMER:

                                                                                   I may wear *some* of this . . .

and Cameron in a Space Suit, just because.

Oh and one last thing.

If you're on the fence about seeing any of the shows, keep in mind that following the Zoot Facebook Page, Twitter Stream and Website may bring to light some ticket discounts that you might not find otherwise.  There may also be rush (i.e. 1/2 price tickets just before each curtain) if you're willing to roll the dice.

I'll keep ya posted as I find out more about these opportunities!

: D


Funding:                106%
Days in Ohio:         32
Today is sponsored by Laura Johnson

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